A bit of body mapping: place your hands in front of your ears and try gently chewing. You can approximately find the joint of the jaw there. Now, place them behind your ears and do the tiniest nod. If you can feel the rotation, that's where your spine finishes and your head starts (a lot higher than most people imagine). Does this change at all how you move? What if you stay aware of your face muscles during your activity?
📖 Personal notes: As a person with a permanent polite smile, it has been quite liberating to let go of face tension at will. It seems to have an immediate effect on calming down my whole system. Often after Alexander sessions, I find a calm but alert/awake expression on my face, which I enjoy getting more and more familiar with.
10 minutes of mindful movement a day 🍂
For the month of October I will be posting a different thought/theme each day to bring some Alexander inspired mindfulness into daily activities.
To follow along, simply
🚴 Choose an activity. It can be the same one or different each day
(the more inconsequential and boring the better)
🔍 Use the activity as an opportunity to explore the theme
📖 Take note of anything interesting (I will be sharing some of my own notes/observations as I follow the themes too)
If you have any questions, thoughts, observations, disbeliefs, challenges, I would genuinely love to discuss it, so feel free to reach out.
1. These are some thoughts I have found helpful during my Alexander journey. They are definitely not all the technique is or has to offer.
2. ⚠ Health and Safety ⚠
Don't choose an activity that requires you to handle a vehicle or sharp object, or can put you or others in danger.