Think about your points of contact with the floor/seat/ground/wherever your support is coming from. In this moment, you are supported. All the way from your contact areas, through the rest of you. Notice if that changes with your movements, whether that's taking a step, changing position, or just moving an arm, or simply breathing. What's the relationship of your contact points with the parts furthest away from them?
📖 Knowing we are supported is a great step to help regulate the nervous system. Thinking of where my support is coming from, is the first thing I do in high stress situations. I have noticed, when on stage, my first reaction is pulling away from my support, as if I am going to levitate off the ground. A reminder of the contact with the floor/seat and how different body parts interact with that, is a great way to experience being supported in an embodied way; allowing my weight to drop to the floor, and receiving the floor's support all the way to the top of my head.
10 minutes of mindful movement a day 🍂
For the month of October I will be posting a different thought/theme each day to bring some Alexander inspired mindfulness into daily activities.
To follow along, simply
🚴 Choose an activity. It can be the same one or different each day
(the more inconsequential and boring the better)
🔍 Use the activity as an opportunity to explore the theme
📖 Take note of anything interesting (I will be sharing some of my own notes/observations as I follow the themes too)
If you have any questions, thoughts, observations, disbeliefs, challenges, I would genuinely love to discuss it, so feel free to reach out.
1. These are some thoughts I have found helpful during my Alexander journey. They are definitely not all the technique is or has to offer.
2. ⚠ Health and Safety ⚠
Don't choose an activity that requires you to handle a vehicle or sharp object, or can put you or others in danger.