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Day 8


This is a very reduced version of an Alexander Technique classic. The neck muscles may sometimes act like ties, locking the head, and pushing down the spine. The balance of the head has a gentle, dynamic quality, and readjusts all the time. The more we soften and "loosen the ties" all around the neck, the freer the head is to readjust its buoyant balance, allowing the spine to unsquish from the top down. (Feel free to reach out for an anatomical/official description).

📖 After spending a few months, when I first started AT lessons, obsessing about what my neck is doing, it took me some time to return to this thought. Experiencing this freer balance of the head, in lessons and after personal observation, has been the most important step to radically changing my movement, in ways I initially did not understand. That being said, and even though I am now a teacher, I still need a reminder that this thought works best as a little act of self-kindness, and that's where radical change in movement starts. If I catch myself trying to get it right, I just abandon it altogether and think of something else.

10 minutes of mindful movement a day 🍂

For the month of October I will be posting a different thought/theme each day to bring some Alexander inspired mindfulness into daily activities.

To follow along, simply

🚴 Choose an activity. It can be the same one or different each day

(the more inconsequential and boring the better)

🔍 Use the activity as an opportunity to explore the theme

📖 Take note of anything interesting (I will be sharing some of my own notes/observations as I follow the themes too)

If you have any questions, thoughts, observations, disbeliefs, challenges, I would genuinely love to discuss it, so feel free to reach out.


1. These are some thoughts I have found helpful during my Alexander journey. They are definitely not all the technique is or has to offer.

2. ⚠ Health and Safety ⚠

Don't choose an activity that requires you to handle a vehicle or sharp object, or can put you or others in danger.

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