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Day 5


Think of the space above your head. Then, the space between your back and the wall (or an object if outside) behind you. Your right side and the wall or closest object to your right, and the same to your left. What about the space between your eyes and the screen? Without having to calculate the distance, be aware of the space around you and how you move in it. As you focus on your activity, try and keep that at the back of your mind, or remind yourself often. Do you notice anything changing in the state of your mind/body?

📖 Even though there are a lot more direct Alexander thoughts, I have personally found the indirect ones the best place to start from. I like being reminded of the physical and metaphorical space between my task and myself. I also like that thinking of space has a lovely lack of weight/action/matter. It helps me remember that I have space to expand into, even when I'm in slightly restrictive places like bus seats or queues.

10 minutes of mindful movement a day 🍂

For the month of October I will be posting a different thought/theme each day to bring some Alexander inspired mindfulness into daily activities.

To follow along, simply

🚴 Choose an activity. It can be the same one or different each day

(the more inconsequential and boring the better)

🔍 Use the activity as an opportunity to explore the theme

📖 Take note of anything interesting (I will be sharing some of my own notes/observations as I follow the themes too)

If you have any questions, thoughts, observations, disbeliefs, challenges, I would genuinely love to discuss it, so feel free to reach out.


1. These are some thoughts I have found helpful during my Alexander journey. They are definitely not all the technique is or has to offer.

2. ⚠ Health and Safety ⚠

Don't choose an activity that requires to to handle a vehicle or sharp object, or can put you or others in danger.

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